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Writer's pictureAparna Kher

Dealing with Downtime I - Types of Downtime

Dealing with downtime can be confusing and difficult to figure out, if you haven't actively done it before. It sounds more intimidating than it actually is to carry out. Downtime can be spent in various ways depending on the time available and the comfort level of a person. Also, just because you've spent your downtime a certain way before doesn't mean you should adopt the same method the next time as well. Be open to exploring and experimenting, have fun with it. Its your own time - quality time with self.

Here I've categorised downtime into four broad types based on personal experience and observations of the people around me. Maybe you can get a better idea about the way you want to spend your downtime-  the things you want to continue, and the things you need to take a break from.

[ Disclaimer - This categorisation is purely based on experience and observation and does not having a factual/ statistical backing (yet, haha) ]

The complete cutoff -

In this a person is likely to take a complete, absolute break from his work as well as all forms of social contact. Taking a break from social media, not making any plans, taking a break from the everyday routine - that type of thing. For some people, the sources of stress can come both from work as well as social interactions and they can seem to find the need to isolate themselves from both these factors temporarily. More often than not, the people who feel the need for complete cutoff would tend to be introverts.

The work cutoff - In this, a person is likely to take a break from work, tasks and responsibilities, but may still choose to continue with the usual or slightly reduced degree of socialisation. For some people work can become a source of stress and hence requires a pause, but social interactions still manage to give them the 'feel good' that they need. So they choose to spend their downtime as a break from work. This category of people may comprise more of extroverts than introverts.

The social cutoff -

A person whose source of stress comes from social interactions, friends or if a person is undergoing social anxiety repeatedly, he may feel the need to take a break from this stressful situation. They would not necessarily want a break from work; instead work could also be helping their situation in the form of a distraction. This category may mostly comprise of people with introverted traits.

The spare downtime -

A person who doesn't necessarily want to or cannot disrupt his schedule and chooses to stick with his routine can opt for this way of spending his downtime. In this way, it's basically about converting your spare time into downtime and thoughtfully engaging in activities that can help you feel better.

Regardless of being an introvert or an extrovert, all of these 4 categories can apply to your needs of downtime because they are indeed specific to the phase of life that you're going through. So don't be afraid to try out any of these if you feel like it.

The main thing about dealing with all of this is to remember that it is okay to feel the way you do. Taking a break from things shouldn't feel like a burden. If you feel like it, do it. I encourage you with all my heart.

If you've any questions regarding my posts or any feedback you can leave a comment below or submit a response on the contact page of this blog. I'd be happy to answer.

Keep coming back for more content.

Have a good day!

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